Benefits of Gir Cow A2 Milk for Babies

Some of us have happy memories of our mothers feeding us cow’s milk when we were little. Kids are frequently given this tasty and healthy beverage alone, along with cereal and oat, shakes, etc. However, one can question whether it’s the best beverage for a baby, given that their digestive systems aren’t quite as mature as those of ten-year-olds. Gir cow milk, which is rich in calcium and protein, is a fantastic superfood for your baby. Due to the numerous health benefits that Gir cow milk provides, it should always be included in a child’s regular diet. Learn about its incredible health advantages and how to give it to your kid.

What Is Gir Cow Milk?

Gir cow milk, popularly referred to as A2 cow milk, is produced by Desi Gir cows. It is an affluent source of Vitamin E, Vitamin D, Vitamin A2, Vitamin K, A2 beta-casein proteins, and Omega-3 fatty acids, which are rarely found in other culinary foods. Omega-3 fatty acids assist in supplying healthy fats along with reducing the risk of developing type 1 diabetes, cancer, autism, and other disorders in children. It provides all nine amino acids that we humans require for everyday functioning. Additionally, it provides a healthy mix of fats and carbohydrates that makes it “The Complete Food”.

It is an ideal food for developing children because it’s high in calcium and protein. It is good for folks that belong to all age groups. Toddlers can safely absorb cow’s this purity-loaded drink, as it’s a diet high in calcium, without experiencing any gastrointestinal problems.

These calcium and Potassium content are essential for maintaining strong and healthy bones and teeth. It contains high-quality protein with nine essential amino acids. It also contains 20% whey protein and 80% casein protein, which are easily digestible by our body, help strengthen our muscles, fight against infections, and repair body tissues. Here is all the information parents should know about giving their child Gir cow milk and the advantages of doing so.

Benefits of Gir Cow Milk for Babies Over 12 Months

The Vitamin B components found in it are very crucial for maintaining healthy nerves, brain cells, and proper sleep cycles. It also contains healthy fats, which are important for the growth of neurons. Brain cells known as neurons have a fatty covering on their branching dendrites, which are nerve endings in contact with another nerve cell. This is why your child’s everyday diet must contain enough vitamin B and healthy fats. To make sure your baby takes full advantage of its great brain-boosting properties, you can also feed them ghee made by using it.

Magnesium and potassium are two vital minerals which work as vasodilators to expand blood arteries and provide oxygen-rich blood to all organs. Additionally, the calcium in it helps to strengthen the heart’s muscles and lowers the risk of developing cardiovascular disease.

The calcium and phosphorus content in it helps in your child’s tooth development. Also, casein in it forms a thin layer around their teeth to shield them from the everyday consumption of acidic foods. This barrier stops the acid from leaching out on phosphorus and calcium in the teeth, which would otherwise result in cavities.

Children’s immune systems, eyesight, and cellular development highly depend on vitamin A to develop. Retinol, a type of vitamin A, is mostly found in Gir cow milk. Vitamin A deficiency might weaken your child’s resistance to viruses and infections. Before starting preschool, make sure you include this drink in your child’s diet, as they’ll be exposed to a variety of different germs there. Therefore, having a strong immune system is very beneficial.

It is specifically designed to promote rapid growth in their calves. With regular consumption, your child can have good growth. The researchers believed that the growth hormones present in cow milk are highly responsible for the sudden increase in height. Additionally, the calcium content present in it can strengthen your child’s bones and teeth. In young children, vitamin D helps to prevent rickets by increasing calcium absorption. By consuming it today, you can avoid developing osteoporosis later in life due to the stronger bones that are developed at this young age.

One of the primary reasons why Gir cow milk, especially A2 Gir cow milk, is an excellent choice for newborns is because it is easily digestible. A2 milk contains a type of protein called A2 beta-casein, which is gentler on the digestive system compared to the A1 beta-casein found in regular cow milk. This makes it less likely to cause digestive discomfort, such as colic or gas, in your baby.

Gir cow milk is rich in essential nutrients that are crucial for a newborn’s growth and development. It is packed with vitamins like A, D, and B2 (riboflavin), as well as minerals such as calcium and phosphorus. These nutrients are vital for strong bones, a healthy immune system, and overall well-being.

Many parents are concerned about their newborns developing milk allergies. A2 Gir cow milk, with its A2 beta-casein protein, is less likely to trigger allergies compared to A1 cow milk. This reduces the risk of your baby experiencing allergic reactions like eczema, skin rashes, or digestive issues.


In conclusion, Gir cow milk, especially the A2 variety, offers numerous benefits for newborns. It is easy to digest, nutrient-rich, and supports crucial aspects of your baby’s development, such as brain growth and bone health. Additionally, it is an excellent choice for making high-quality ghee, which can be introduced into your baby’s diet as they grow. Moreover, its low allergy risk makes it a safe option for many infants.

While Gir cow milk may be slightly more expensive than regular cow milk, the health benefits it provides for your newborn make it a worthwhile investment. As always, consult with your pediatrician before making any significant changes to your baby’s diet, and consider trying Gir cow milk to provide your little one with a healthy start in life.

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